Tutor.com Hosts Resume Writing Webinar for 150+ Library Sites

Featuring Resume Expert Barbara Safani

NEW YORK, October 2, 2009 - More than 150 library sites across the U.S. broadcast the Tutor.com (stg-www.tutor.com) Resume Writing Webinar to an estimated 1,000 patrons looking for help with their resumes. Resume expert Barbara Safani who runs Career Solvers (www.careersolvers.com) and author of Happy About My Resume: 50 Tips for Building a Better Document to Secure a Brighter Future, spent an hour sharing key tips to writing powerful resumes that get hiring managers' attention. The webinar took place on September 30th.

"This webinar was a significant benefit for our customers," said Susan M. Reeve, Supervising Librarian at the Rio Vista Library, a branch of the Solano County Library. "Our library eagerly seizes on opportunities to serve as a community resource to our small town. One attendee found it 'exciting to be learning while connected across the nation.' And everyone said that things in the job market are changing so quickly now, who knew that employers are using computers to scan for key words! What a great learning experience."

One-to-one Help from Career Specialists
The Resume Writing Workshop was offered to all of Tutor.com's public library clients and was free for patrons. While Tutor.com is best known for its award-winning one-to-one online tutoring services for students, the company released a new Career Center service as part of the Tutor.com Learning Suite for Libraries in July 2009. The Career Center, which offers expert help from career specialists on topics such as resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, and even how to fill out an online job application, is earning rave reviews from the 1,000+ adults who have already used the service. The Career Center also offers adults one-to-one academic tutoring for the GED, Citizenship Test and college coursework.

"Thousands of adults are now turning to their local library for job search resources and support. We are keenly aware of the challenges this poses for our clients," said George Cigale, founder and CEO of Tutor.com. "Our new Career Center and now our Webinar series is how we can best support libraries and patrons during this tough economic time."

"It's wonderful to see Tutor.com partnering with libraries across the country to offer career services to job seekers," said Safani. "Patrons who choose to take advantage of their comprehensive resources will certainly gain a competitive edge in this challenging job market."

About Tutor.com
Tutor.com is an award-winning online homework help and learning service that connects students to a certified tutor for one-to-one help. Tutor.com is offered at over 1,800 public libraries across the country and is available statewide in Alaska, Alabama, Kansas and Rhode Island. Our network of over 2,000 expert tutors has conducted over 4.5 million sessions. To learn more about bringing Tutor.com services to your library or to see a demonstration of the Career Center call 1-800-411-1970. Follow Tutor.com on Twitter or blog.tutor.com.

About Career Solvers
Career Solvers partners with both companies and individuals to deliver targeted programs focusing on resume development, job search strategies, networking, interviewing, and salary negotiation skills. Owner, Barbara Safani, is an award-winning, nationally recognized resume writer and career strategist. Follow Career Solvers at www.twitter.com/barbarasafani and www.careersolvers.com/blog.

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For more information contact: Jennifer Kohn, Tutor.com at 212-528-3101 ext 228 or jkohn@tutor.com.