Human Body Systems

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An excellent interactive, multiple choice study tool designed for students who want to learn anatomy. You see a part of the human body labeled with numbers, choose the correct answer from a list and your answers are checked immediately.

Follow along with diagrams and explanations over an interacitve virtual dissection of a fetal pig (comparable to human body systems). Includes self quizzes over each organ system.

Circulatory System

In this video, Salman Khan of Khan Academy explains embryonic stem cells.

A short topical summary and annotated slides on STDs and Teens from the series, "Hot Topics," which covers areas of biology that are receiving national attention.

Great, easy-to-understand description of the digestive system. Designed for younger kids, but also has good information for older students.

An online dictionary and thesaurus of the English language. It also includes a medical dictionary and a Spanish-English dictionary.

This site covers the structure and function of the majory systems of the body.

Endocrine Hormones and Functions

Biology Midterm Exam

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